We can’t wait to work with you
We work with professional service firms to build awesome teams and culture, services, strategies, and systems that their leaders, their teams, and their clients love through our various Services.
  • Law Possible, we, or us means Law Possible Pty Ltd ABN 85 664 902 434
  • Client, you, or your means the business who buys our Services, set out in an agreed Project Scope
This document sets out how we deliver our Services to you (Terms).
Our agreement with you
Our agreement with you is set out in:
  • our written Project Scope,
  • these Terms, and
  • our Privacy Policy.
Together, these make up our agreement with you about how we will work together (Agreement) If there is conflict between the various parts of this Agreement, the document listed higher in the above list takes priority to the extent of any inconsistency.


We handle information you give us in line with our Privacy Policy, available at our Site or upon request.
  • When you buy our Services, you consent to our collection and use of your information in line with these Terms and our Privacy Policy.
  • You agree that we may contact you for marketing purposes and feedback to improve the way we work. You can opt out of marketing communications from us.



We use reasonable care and skill to provide you the Services outlined in the agreed Project Scope.
  • When you buy Services from us, other specific terms may apply as well as these Terms.
For example, product or package specific terms such as how long training sessions will go for, the type and number of reports we’ll create, and how many site visits we’ll do.
  • Generally, other these terms will be set out in a Project Scope we agree with you, or detailed on our Site.


You must pay for Services in the amount and frequency as indicated in the Fees Overview section of our agreed Project Scope. For most Services you buy from us, you pay for them upfront.
  • We may give options to pay for Services by instalments, we agree this with you in your Project Scope.
  • We send you invoices which you must pay by the due date.
We may also pass on some other expenses to you, which we’ll invoice you for. We’ll let you know what the expenses will be before we incur them.
For example, reasonable travel expenses if you ask us to deliver a workshop in person, or third party disbursements if we partner with another business to provide the Services.
Delay in payment will delay your Project delivery
We won’t start working on your Project until you pay (and may stop working if you haven’t paid).
Late payments
If you miss a payment date, we first send you a reminder. If you fail to pay after we send a reminder, we may:
  • Charge you a reasonable fee to cover administrative and operational costs of your late payment,
  • Remove or reduce any discounts we previously applied to your Fees,
  • Suspend working on your Project and withhold access to deliverables until you do pay.
Extra Services
If you need extra Services or out of scope work on top of the inclusions in the Services listed in the Project Scope, we’ll let you know the Fees and send you an invoice you’ll need to pay before we start that work.


We have a great team behind us
We delegate some of our Services to our team and contractors (some of whom may be overseas). If illness or other circumstances beyond our control stop us from being able to attend Meetings or deliver parts of your Project, we will make a good faith attempt to either:
  • Reschedule Meetings for a different, mutually agreed time, or
  • Swap in another clever and qualified team member or contractor.



We both agree Confidential Information is commercially sensitive and valuable, so that unauthorised disclosure or use of each other’s Confidential Information could cause significant damage.
Approved purpose only
  • Confidential Information can only be used for the purposes set out in these Terms (i.e. the purpose of buying, using, supplying, or marketing our Services).
  • Neither of us can use or disclose the other’s Confidential Information for a purpose not allowed under the Terms without express written consent from the other.
Protection and storage
  • We both agree to protect each other’s Confidential Information from unauthorised access, control, or use.
  • We will both use reasonable security measures in line with good industry practice to protect the other party’s Confidential Information
  • We both agree to comply with each other’s reasonable security and safety procedures.
These obligations are additional
Obligations in this Agreement are in addition to any duty of confidence imposed generally at law or equity or in any other agreement between us.
Obligation to keep confidential
  • Both of us agree to keep Confidential Information confidential.
  • Subject to the below permitted disclosures, both of us agree we will not disclose Confidential Information or make Confidential Information available directly or indirectly to any unauthorised person in any form without the written consent of the owner of Confidential Information.


Representatives that need to know information
Both Law Possible and Client may disclose Confidential Information to its representative if that representative:
  • needs to know that Confidential Information to make progress towards delivering or using the Services,
  • is bound by obligations of confidentiality, and
  • is put on notice of the requirements of protection and non-disclosure in this Agreement.
Required disclosure
If either of us is compelled by law to disclose Confidential Information, then we both agree to only disclose the required information to the extent required by law, and notify the other either:
  • before disclosing, or
  • if prevented from notifying before, at the earliest opportunity after disclosure.



Ownership of Intellectual Property (IP)
Nothing in this agreement transfers any of either party’s IP rights to the other party. We both retain exclusive interest in, and ownership of our own IP created before this Agreement.
Your obligations when using our Resources
As part of the Services we supply, we may include access to some of our own Resources.
  • We own or license the Intellectual Property rights in our Resources.
  • We grant you a limited license to make use of our Intellectual Property within our Resources to the extent needed for you to use a Service you buy from us.
For example, if we collaborate with you to develop a new intake system for your law firm, you can use that intake system (after you pay us!) for your own business use only and we retain ownership in the frameworks used to develop the system.
Treat our Resources with respect
Unless we give you permission in our agreed Project Scope, you must not copy or create derivative, imitative works of our Resources or sell or claim ownership to our Resources. In addition to being annoyed with you, if you misuse our Resources, we may take action to protect our rights without further notice to you.
Want to use our incredible Resources? If you want permission to use our Resources, let’s have a chat.


Content you give to us
If you give feedback in a public forum, you give us permission to use that content publicly.
For example, we may take a screenshot of a positive Google review and use that material to promote Law Possible.
If you send private feedback, you give us permission to use that content anonymously on our Sites. We won’t attach private feedback to you or your business by name without getting your permission first. If you give permission and later change your mind, let us know and we’ll make reasonable efforts to remove it.
Aggregated data and case studies
We’re always looking to improve our Services and outcomes for our clients.
  • We may develop anonymised data sets and de-identified case studies based on the work we do with you. These may help us analyse our work, create improvements, and develop better insights for your business.
  • We won’t publish identifiable data or identify your business in a case study without getting your permission first.



We know occasionally things happen which mean you need to reschedule a Meetings or a Project. If you need to change a Meetings or Project timeframes, please let us know as soon as you can. This allows us to offer time to other clients and reschedule your Project (if we can!).
Giving us notice of changes
  • Meetings – Change Notice: We need at least 24 hours’ notice via email to reschedule Meetings. If you reschedule Meetings with us, this may result in delays to your Project.
Please see the Ghosting and Paused Projects section.
We may not be able to reschedule a Meeting (and you are not entitled to a refund) if you do not attend a Meeting without giving us the required Change Notice.
  • Project – Change Notice: We need at least 14 days’ notice via email to reschedule or extend a Project.
– If you need to extend or reschedule a Project during the Project Period, you’ll need to ask in writing (email is fine).
– Depending on the changes you request and the delay between the original Project Period and the rescheduled or extended Project Period, we may need to update the Fees.
– We will let you know of any other changes needed and you can decide whether to go ahead.
  • Project – Cancellation: We may charge a reasonable cancellation fee if you cancel a Project during a Project Period.
This Fee will reflect our administrative costs as well as loss we incurred from blocking out our calendar for you, turning away other clients, and the Services and Resources we provided to you.


Project Periods
To plan and structure best for our business and clients, we may agree a Project Period with you in your Project Scope.
  • We spread some of the upfront costs of our Services across the Project Period.
  • This means if you end a Project early during your Project Period, you aren’t generally entitled to a refund, unless we haven’t held up our end of the Agreement.
What happens if you need to re-schedule or extend a Project?
If you change a Project during a Project Period (or if we end a Project because of your actions), because we block out our time to help you with your Project, you’re generally not entitled to a refund.
This will depend on the stage of the Project, Services selected, work already completed, and access we’ve given you to our Resources.
  • Project – Rescheduling: We may charge a Rescheduling Fee of 20% of Fees to reschedule your Project. If we’re available to reschedule your Project, we’ll credit your deposit and other Fees paid towards your rescheduled Project (less any Services already delivered).
  • Project – Extension: If there’s a delay to your Project and you need to extend beyond the initial agreed Project Period, we may charge additional Fees, such as a monthly support Fee or an extension Fee, in order to support your Project.
Fees may vary depending on the length of the extension needed, our availability, and the level of support required. Contact us so we can discuss your circumstances. All rescheduling and extensions are subject to our availability. Because our calendar books up advance, our availability for completing delayed Projects may be limited.


Ghosting policy
We are working together with you on your Project and so sometimes there are actions you need to take or information you need to give us.
If you ghost us, don’t complete an action or give us information on time, or if you cancel or postpone Meetings, then we may need to pause your Project.
Ghosting means we don’t hear from you for 14 days after we make reasonable attempts to communicate with you.
If during the Project Period, we don’t hear from you for 14 days:
  • We may suspend your Project so we’re no longer actively supporting you – we call this a Paused Project,
  • The end date for the Project Period is likely to be delayed.
Paused Projects
If your Project becomes a Paused Project for 60 days, and we still haven’t heard from you:
  • We consider you have decided to end the Project and our Agreement with you, and
  • We will deliver any current materials we have completed for your Project so far,
  • We will send you an invoice for any outstanding Fees and (if applicable) early cancellation Fees and any equipment that has not been returned.



Your results depend on many varied factors
We cannot and do not guarantee particular business outcomes for buying our Services. Business outcomes depend on many varied factors including:
  • current industry knowledge, implementation, market factors,
  • your ability and willingness to follow and implement our recommendations,
  • resources, systems, and team you have available to implement our recommendations,
  • accuracy and completeness of information you provide us, and other factors.


We use reasonable care and skill to deliver Services to you, however you agree that:
  • We cannot and do not promise our Services or Resources will be continuously available or fault free,
  • If things outside our reasonable control impact on our ability to supply the Service, you agree we are not responsible for impacts on you as a result, and
  • Services and related Resources are provided in good faith, based on information you provide us, and you are responsible for your use of our Services.
For example, if your team don’t complete tasks assigned on time or misinterpret our advice so your Project is delayed, we’re not responsible for that outcome.
You understand that changes in your area of practice, team expertise, industry trends, strategic developments in your ideal client type, and other factors might mean our advice is no longer accurate or as impactful as intended, despite our best efforts.



We’ll work together to resolve disputes
If a dispute crops up under these Terms, we both agree to act reasonably to resolve it.
If you are a consumer, you have specific rights when you buy our Services (see, and these Terms do not replace legal rights you have under law.
If you have an issue with our Services, you’ll need to work with us so we can help resolve that issue. Contact us via email and include relevant information so we can help resolve your issue.
  • We confirm we received your complaint within 5 business days and work to investigate and resolve your complaint within 14 days.
  • If we can’t resolve your issue after this, we will be in touch to set out some proposed next steps. After following this process, either of us may take further action to resolve the issue in good faith.


Things outside our reasonable control
Neither you or we are liable to each other for a delay or failure to perform obligations in this Agreement caused by circumstances outside of reasonable control, other than the payment of money.
How to manage Service delays and problems
If we become aware of anything likely to result in a material delay in or failure to perform any Services, we will let you know promptly.


Limiting our liability to you
To balance risk and to service all our Clients, we limit our liability in the following ways.
Nothing in this Agreement is intended to limit your rights at law, including under consumer law.
To the extent allowed by law, we exclude all liability for claims by you or a third party for all forms of loss or damage, including loss or inaccuracy of data or loss of business profits or revenue.
  • Unless we cause loss with our negligence or wilful misconduct, we are not responsible for any loss caused by your use of our Services (or any inability to use a Service).
  • Where we cannot exclude our liability, our total liability to you is limited to us re-supplying the relevant Service to you or, if applicable, paying to you the cost of re-supplying the relevant Services to you.
Paying us if you cause us loss
To the extent allowed by law, you must pay us for costs we incur caused or contributed to by:
  • inaccurate or misleading info you give us,
  • your breach of applicable laws or regulations, or
  • your use or misuse of Services or our Resources.
For example, if you give us content for a firm audit, and you get details incorrect, we’re not required to double check your information and we’re not responsible for the outcomes, such as less impactful recommendations on growing your firm.


Ending this Agreement for convenience
Cancellation charges may apply if you end the Agreement early before the end of the Project Period, see our Changes policy for details.
Either Client or Law Possible can end this Agreement on 14 days written notice to the other.
We might suspend or end this Agreement
We try to discuss and resolve issues with you first, but may suspend Services or end this Agreement at once if:
  • You do not pay us undisputed Fees after we have given you reasonable notice to pay, or
  • You’re in breach of this Agreement and either you can’t fix that breach, or you don’t fix the breach after we give you a reasonable time to fix the breach, or
  • You fail to give us instructions or complete your obligations within a reasonable time, or
  • We reasonably consider mutual trust and confidence no longer exist in our relationship with you, or your behaviour is likely to damage our reputation.


If this Agreement ends for any reason, you must pay outstanding amounts you owe us. Both of us must return or securely destroy all Confidential Information of the other party upon request. This is subject to keeping any records strictly for legal or accounting purposes.



Changing these Terms
If we have an ongoing Project with you, any variations to our Agreement with you must be agreed in writing by both of us, generally in an updated Project Scope.
We may change these Terms from time to time. So please refresh over them for each new Project with us.
Transferring this Agreement
We work with various talented subcontractors to help deliver our Services to you.
  • You agree that we may assign, subcontract, or transfer some of our rights or obligations under this Agreement. We are responsible for the actions of employees and subcontractors we use. We are very particular about who we work with, and so you cannot assign, subcontract, or transfer your rights or obligations under this Agreement without our consent (which we won’t unreasonably withhold).
Some rights and obligations under our agreement with you remain in force after these Terms expire or end. These include the rights and obligations under the following sections:
Paying for losses and limiting liability, Actions after this Agreement ends, Confidentiality obligations.
Other general details
We try to discuss and resolve issues with you first, but may suspend Services or end this Agreement at once if:
  • Invalid parts removed: Invalid parts removed: If a court of law decides one or more parts of our Agreement with you is invalid, only those parts are severed from the Agreement and other parts remain in full force and effect.
  • No waiver: Delay or failure to exercise rights or a partial exercise of rights is not a waiver of those rights.
  • Force Majeure: Neither party is liable for performance delays or for non-performance due to causes beyond its reasonable control, except for payment obligations.
  • Full agreement: This agreement outlines the full agreement between us for the Services we supply you.
  • Governing law: This Agreement is governed by the laws in force in New South Wales, and we both agree to submit to that jurisdiction.


Capitalised words have the following meanings
  • Confidential Information includes all material, IP, non-public, business-related information disclosed or made available to the receiving party through any means, relating to a party’s business but excludes information that, without breaching this agreement, is already public or known to the receiving party.
  • Fees means the charges you pay to us for the Services we provide, as set out in a Project Scope or as otherwise agreed with you.
  • Intellectual Property (IP) means any and all of the following in any jurisdiction throughout the world: trademarks and service marks, including all applications and registrations, and goodwill connected with the use of them, patents, copyrights, Site, and internet domain names, including all related applications and registrations, trade secrets and confidential know-how, other intellectual property and related proprietary rights, interests, and protections. Our Resources form part of Law Possible’s IP.
  • Meetings means scheduled time we agree with you to spend with you to work on helping your firm and providing our Services to you.
  • Project Period means the set period of time during which we will provide the specific Services in an agreed Project Scope.
  • Project Scope means the document we agree with you that outlines the type of Services you buy, the length and type of Project, the included Resources, as well as the applicable Fees.
  • Resources means all tools we create, develop, or use to supply you a Service, which might include: access to videos, written information, audio, digital products, workshops, reports, feedback, advice, programs, content on our Site, digital products, and / or webinars. Law Possible always retains ownership of all our Resources.
  • Services means the various consulting and management services offered by us from time to time, including coaching, workshops, audits, assessments, reports and other related products and services.
  • Site includes our website, and our presence on third party platforms like LinkedIn and @lawpossible on Instagram.
If you have any questions or notices about these Terms or our other policies, please contact us, we are happy to help!
Last updated: February 2023